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Quotes by

Duc de Levis

Pierre-Marc-Gaston Duc de Levis, 1764-1830 ,  French politician & author of maxims
Duc de Levis

20 quotes1,651 visits


He who is never happy will never be happy.

Nobility obligates.

Noblesse oblige.

(meaning: nobility or a high position extends beyond titles and requires fulfillment of social responsibilities especially in leadership roles)

Repress, you will have less to punish.

It is even easier to judge a man's mind by his questions than by his answers.

The past is settled, the present eludes you, think of the future.

Money is like time: do not waste it, you'll always have enough.

Idleness is the rust of the soul.

Fear and hope share life; pleasure and pain occupy only moments.

Criticism is a tax that envy perceives on merit.

Everything is relative, except the infinite.

You think you are modest. I did not know you so proud.

To govern is to choose.

Attention is the chisel of memory.

The only guarantee of a long peace between two states is mutual impotence to harm one another.

Of all the feelings, the most difficult to pretend is pride.

How many desires are decorated with the name of wills.

One can love more than once, but not the same person.

In confessing one’s mistakes, one puts reason in the present and wrong in the past.

Most of the trouble happens so quickly because we’re halfway there.

It is easy enough to find a mistress, and easy to keep a friend; what is difficult is to find a friend and keep a mistress.

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 Popular Sources
1 Seneca
2 Epicurus
3 Shakespeare
4 Lenin
5 Nietzsche
6 Cicero
7 Horace
8 Talleyrand
9 Einstein
10 Jean-Paul Sartre
11 Julius Caesar
12 G. Bernard Shaw
13 Otto von Bismarck
14 Napoleon
15 Blaise Pascal
16 Lao-Tzu
17 Oscar Wilde
18 Aristotle
19 Plato
20 Socrates
21 Wolfgang Goethe
22 Homer
23 William Blake
24 Ghandi
25 Benjamin Franklin
26 Karl Marx
27 Hippocrates
28 Schopenhauer
29 Voltaire
30 John Kennedy
31 Diogenes
32 Abraham Lincoln
33 Jean Cocteau
34 Kavafy
35 Churchill
36 Eugene Ionesco
37 Heraclitus
38 Fernando Pessoa
39 Disraeli
40 Victor Hugo


2024: Manolis Papathanassiou