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Pitigrilli (Dino Segre)

1893-1975 ,  Italian writer
Pitigrilli (Dino Segre)Pitigrilli was the pseudonym of Dino Segre, an Italian writer who made his living as a journalist and novelist. His most noted novel was Cocaine.

9 quotes1,227 visits


The height of perfection is mediocrity.

There is no shame in changing your mind every day: to change your mind you need to have spare ideas.

Florence is a city for newlyweds; Venice, for lovers; Turin, for old spouses who have nothing more to say to each other.

The doctors without customers are called scientists.

A man tells you the most interesting things he knows during the first half hour he talks to you; after that, he either repeats himself or offers you variations of the same theme.

We are born arsonists and end up firefighters.

Grateful are those who still have something to ask.

Grammar: a complicated structure that teaches language but impedes speaking.

To stop means to step back.

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2024: Manolis Papathanassiou