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Quotes by

Odysseas Elytis

1911-1996 ,  Greek poet, Nobel 1979
Odysseas ElytisOriginal surname Alepoudhelis.
Greek poet and winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize for Literature.

23 quotes6,047 visits


I wanted the minimum and they punished me with the maximum.

We must not forget that in the long twenty-five centuries there has not been one that poetry was not written in the Greek language.

Somewhere between Tuesday and Wednesday your true day must have been lost.

A naked body is the only extension of the imaginary line that unites us with the unknown.

When superstitions reach a mathematical clarity, they lead us to a deeper knowledge of the world.

Infinity exists for us as the language for the deaf.

Man is drawn from God like a shark from the blood.

The void exists as long as you don’t fall inside it.

When you hear "order", human flesh smells.

To stand firmly on the ground, one of your feet must be off the ground.

It’s bigamy to love and dream at the same time.

My God, how much blue you spend so we cannot see you!

Quotes in Verse

The sun is erupting inside us and we keep our palms on our mouths scared.

I have something transparent and inexplicable to say
Like a bird song in time of war.

With the first drop of rain
the summer was killed.

Yes, Paradise was not a nostalgia.
Nor, much more, a reward.
It was a right.

Always, always you pass through fire to reach the shining.

All cypresses show midnight.
All fingers

As the kiss knows you, no one knows you.

You have a taste of storm on your lips
–But where have you been?

You were light before my eyes.
Love before Love
And when the kiss took you,

Everything I love is born unceasingly
Everything I love is always at the beginning.

What I like is my loneliness.
No one comes close.

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 Popular Sources
1 Seneca
2 Epicurus
3 Shakespeare
4 Lenin
5 Nietzsche
6 Cicero
7 Horace
8 Talleyrand
9 Einstein
10 Jean-Paul Sartre
11 Julius Caesar
12 G. Bernard Shaw
13 Otto von Bismarck
14 Napoleon
15 Blaise Pascal
16 Lao-Tzu
17 Oscar Wilde
18 Aristotle
19 Plato
20 Socrates
21 Wolfgang Goethe
22 Homer
23 William Blake
24 Ghandi
25 Benjamin Franklin
26 Karl Marx
27 Hippocrates
28 Schopenhauer
29 Voltaire
30 John Kennedy
31 Diogenes
32 Abraham Lincoln
33 Jean Cocteau
34 Kavafy
35 Churchill
36 Eugene Ionesco
37 Heraclitus
38 Fernando Pessoa
39 Disraeli
40 Victor Hugo


2024: Manolis Papathanassiou