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Georges Feydeau

1862-1921 ,  French playwright
Georges FeydeauPlaywright of the era known as the Belle Époque. He is remembered for his many lively and commercially successful farces. He wrote over 60 plays and was a forerunner of Vaudeville.

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If it comes in one ear and it comes out immediately by the other, it's because, between the two, there is nothing to hold it.

She is so embarrassed because she cannot have a lover without cheating on her husband.

When a woman speaks, it is to say nothing, so when she does not say anything, she is talking.

There is this friend of mine whose name I don’t know, and I ’ve known him for too long to ask him.

In comedy there are only two main parts. He who slaps and he who gets slapped. It is never the one who slaps who gets the laughs.

Marriage is the art for two people to live together as happy as they would have lived on their own.

Is it not more moral, the free union of two lovers who love each other, than the legitimate union of two beings without love?

We do not buy paintings because we love them; we love them because we buy them.

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If we could see how women would look twenty years later, we would not marry them twenty years before.

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2024: Manolis Papathanassiou