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Quotes by

R. D. Blackmore

Richard Doddridge Blackmore, 1825-1900 ,  English novelist
R. D. BlackmoreOne of the most famous English novelists of the second half of the nineteenth century.
Blackmore, often referred to as the “Last Victorian”, was a pioneer of the movement in fiction that continued with Robert Louis Stevenson and others. Apart from his novel Lorna Doone, which has enjoyed continuing popularity, his work has gone out of print.

4 quotes1,101 visits


Now let us bandy words no more... nothing is easier than sharp words, except to wish them unspoken.

Only a pint at breakfast-time, and a pint and a half at eleven o'clock, and a quart or so at dinner. And then no more till the afternoon; and half a gallon at supper-time. No one can object to that.

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.

(misattributed to Gandhi, Emerson, Engels and others)

Because I rant not, neither rave of what I feel, can you be so shallow as to dream that I feel nothing?

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2024: Manolis Papathanassiou